

GIPA General Sponsors

Become a GIPA Sponsor

Become a GIPA General Sponsor and you’ll also become a GIPA Founder for all time at a level commensurate with your cumulative sponsorship and donations.

GIPA Sponsorship Levels

GIPA General Sponsors are either Premier or Supporting. The $2,500 Premier Sponsorship is intended for larger firms and corporations with twenty-five or more employees, while the $1,000 Supporting Sponsorship is targeted to smaller entities. All sponsorship levels enjoy the same suite of benefits detailed below.

General Sponsor Benefits

  • Recognition on our website, in various social media and email campaigns, in our print collateral and during our programming.

  • Free Client Membership to our thought-leading Corporate IP Roundtable (Approx. Value $2,000) One free corporate client membership to the Corporate IP Roundtable, which also includes two client registrations to the Corporate IP Institute. Also includes option to procure memberships for more clients for an additional $500 sponsorship per client. Buy Client Memberships

  • Four Free Tickets to the Corporate IP Roundtable Kickoff (Approx.Value $200)  Two representatives from your company or firm and two clients are invited to attend the premier annual Corporate IP Roundtable Kickoff.

  • Two Free Tickets to our Annual Signature Event (Approx. Value $100) Every year GIPA hosts one of these three special events: Intellectual Property Legends Awards, IP Community Service Awards, or IP Celebration Gala.

  • 50% Discount on Registration for the Annual Corporate IP Institute(Approx. Value $1300) Receive a 50% registration fee discount for up to 2 attendees to the leading 2-day CLE conference, which draws more than 150 attendees from across the Southeast!


To become a Specific Event/Program sponsor, please see the list under Programs in the navigation menu, or Contact us for further information.