GIPA’s 6th Annual IP Think Tank focuses on strengthening Georgia IP impact on needs
The Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance held its 6th Annual Intellectual Property Think Tank in December at the offices of Smith, Gambrell and Russell, LLP. This year’s theme focused on: “Dimensioning the Intellectual Property Needs of the State of Georgia”. Over 30 intellectual property thought leaders representing Georgia’s IP Ecosystem participated in event, including Corporations, Government, Universities, Entrepreneurs, Private Law Practices and IP Service Providers.
“IP is the lifeblood of innovation... and... IP protection is key to realizing economic benefits.”
Daniela Perry, Georgia Chamber of Commerce, kicked off the program with an overview of "Georgia’s New Economy” giving growth forecasts to the year 2050. Steven Justice, Georgia Centers of Innovation, highlighted research conducted by Georgia’s universities. “IP is the lifeblood of innovation”, states Justice, and “IP protection is key to realizing economic benefits”. Finally, Dr. Jason Lye, President, Lyco Works, provided recent patent analysis of Georgia’s IP activities providing insight into the state's new technologies areas, sources of innovation, patentees, and global licensing activities.
Following the introductory statements, Co-Chairs Corrine Sukiennik and Jason Lye provided background on five areas targeted at strengthening Georgia's IP knowledge base, networks and competencies. Think tank working groups then addressed these opportunities areas which included Education, Ethics, Diversity, Venture/New Business, and Value Creation.
Future GIPA Think Tanks will continue to identify gaps and explore opportunities to better understand and strengthen the state’s intellectual property outcomes geographically, demographically, economically and socially. Efforts will continue to be directed at supporting an effective IP infrastructure, fostering collaboration, and motivating Georgia’s aspiring inventors.
GIPA is grateful to Think Tank co-chairs Corrine Sukiennik and Jason Lye for their continued leadership.